Termékek nátronklorid 500 ml (5)



%0.9 Isotonic NaCl Solution Sodium: 154 mEq/I | Chloride: 154 mEq Clear | Odorless IVD | Sterile | pH 5.5-7.0 Storage 2-12 °C For medical device use. Not for intravenous use. What is Isotonic Sodium Chloride Solution? Isotonic sodium chloride solution has many applications, such as cleaning, sterilization, and preparation of medical devices. The characteristic of isotonic water allows it to have the same osmotic pressure as intracellular and extracellular fluids, meaning it does not cause any harm when it comes into contact with body tissues. Isotonic chloride solution is used to clean the surfaces of medical devices and to eliminate microorganisms. The use of this solution, especially for surgical instruments, reduces the risk of infection while ensuring that the devices remain sterile. Additionally, devices sterilized with isotonic water solution do not cause any irritation when in contact with body tissues, making this solution a safe and effective cleaning agent. Its versatile use allows for the safe and effective use of medical devices. Isotonic water is also used in areas such as moisturizing and lubricating medical devices. Especially for medical devices that need to be placed inside the body, moistening them with isotonic water allows for easier and more comfortable placement into the body. This application increases patient comfort while ensuring that the device can be placed without damaging body tissues. Furthermore, the use of isotonic waters reduces friction, minimizing the risk of injury during the procedure. Medical devices are also cleaned with isotonic water after the procedure. Body fluids, blood, and other waste on the devices are effectively cleaned with isotonic water, making the devices ready for reuse. The use of isotonic water for this purpose better prepares the devices for sterilization processes and reduces the risk of infection. Therefore, isotonic water plays an effective role in the safe and effective use of medical devices. Product Code: AKL-405
Biotinos Hajápoló Sampon 400 ml - Sampon

Biotinos Hajápoló Sampon 400 ml - Sampon

Lo shampoo per la cura dei capelli alla biotina 400ml rinforza e nutre i capelli grazie al suo contenuto di biotina (vitamina B7). Aiuta le ciocche di capelli a sembrare più spesse e più sane, riduce la caduta dei capelli. È un prodotto efficace per la cura dei capelli che aiuta i capelli ad apparire più sani, lucenti e voluminosi. SKU:31198
Rinsol 1000 Ml / 5000 Ml - KÉMIÁK

Rinsol 1000 Ml / 5000 Ml - KÉMIÁK

Anticorrosive solution KOD:BKDF00012 KOD:BKDF00024
ProSolin - Koncentrált Olajoldószer

ProSolin - Koncentrált Olajoldószer

Tüm kurumuş yemek artıkları ve yanmış yağları, davlumbazda biriken yağ kalıntılarını temizlemek için formüle edilmiştir. Su bazlıdır. Fayans, çelik ve plastik yüzeylerde güvenle kullanılabilir.
Biotin Hajápoló Sampon 400 ml - Samponok

Biotin Hajápoló Sampon 400 ml - Samponok

Biotin Haarpflegeshampoo 400 ml stärkt und pflegt das Haar dank seines Biotin (Vitamin B7)-Gehalts. Lässt Haarsträhnen dicker und gesünder aussehen und reduziert Haarausfall. Es ist ein wirksames Haarpflegeprodukt, das dazu beiträgt, dass das Haar gesünder, glänzender und voluminöser aussieht. Artikelnummer:31198